airBaltic cuts capacity by half over summer

As the coronavirus crisis continues, significantly affecting demand for air travel, airBaltic has further decrease its overall capacity between until the end of October.

The Latvia-based airline will cancel approximately 50 per cent of its flights over the summer.

Currently the airline is in the process of adjusting its network and flight schedule according to temporarily reduced fleet in the beginning of restarting the scheduled operations once the crisis is over.

Martin Gauss, chief executive of airBaltic, said: “Considering the significant impact on the demand, we currently plan to restart our operations gradually.

“When we will be able to, we will start with a reduced number of aircraft who will serve daily flights to our top routes.


“With each upcoming week, more aircraft will return to service, offering more flights.”

In addition, airBaltic has decided to delay launch of the new routes it had planned for summer season of 2020 from all three Baltic states as well as temporarily discontinue a number of additional routes.

Passengers who have bookings for the affected flights will be contacted via e-mail individually and offered travel alternatives.


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